- Reach customers
- Save hours of time
- Be more profitable
POI Data-as-a-Service provides a contextual layer of comprehensive and actionable information on, key features, business areas, and custom metadata attributes.
We seek to mitigate the challenges with web-scraped and off-the-shelf POI data, and provide tailored, complete, and manually verified datasets. Our goal is to help represent the physical world accurately for applications and services dependent on precise POI data and offer a reliable basis for analysis and intelligence.
We offer on-demand data services that fit unique use cases and business requirements. Using our advanced data acquisition techniques, we build and offer tailormade POI datasets. Combined with our expertise in location data solutions, we can be a holistic data partner for our customers.
POI-as-a-Service with on-demand collection in 20+ states leveraging our network of 4K+ clients.
Customise your feed by specific refresh rate, location, country, category, and brand based on your specific needs.
Data Noise Filtering Algorithms normalise and de-dupe POI data that is ready for analysis with minimal preparation.
The main goal of POI data is to identify a place of interest, establish its accurate location, and help businesses understand the happenings around that place to make better, well-informed decisions. POI can be essential in assessing competition, improving operational efficiency, planning the expansion of your business, and more.
A few common and widespread use cases of POI data are:
- Navigation and mapping for digital marketplaces and apps.
- Logistics for online shopping, food delivery, last-mile delivery, and more.
- Improving operational efficiency for rideshare and transportation platforms.
- Demographic and human mobility studies for market consumption and competitive analysis.
- Market assessment, site selection, and business expansion.
- Disaster management and urban mapping for public welfare.
- Advertising and marketing deployment and ROI assessment.
- Real-estate mapping for online sales and renting platforms.
S No. | poi_id | poi_type | poi_category | latitude | longitude | address | city | country | postal_code | rating | reviews | price_level | wifi_available | parking_available | accessible | pet_friendly | last_updated | source |
1 | 562345789234750 | museum | landmark | 50.0099822 | 17.0336959 | 38168 Village Green Court | Prague | Czech Republic | 190 17 | 1.3 | 91 | low | false | true | false | false | 1/24/2023 | official |
2 | 928347234758236 | restaurant | landmark | 56.9846069 | 16.3374996 | 2594 Basil Place | Stockholm | Sweden | 112 37 | 4.2 | 95 | moderate | false | true | false | false | 9/4/2022 | official |
3 | 987395759283759 | museum | natural attraction | 50.81667 | 27.03333 | 54785 Golf Course Junction | Kyiv | Ukraine | 4210 | 3.2 | 26 | low | false | false | true | false | 2/19/2022 | user |
4 | 928374982374928 | restaurant | landmark | -31.948311 | 115.865678 | 5604 Division Trail | Baoding | China | 71702 | 0.7 | 50 | moderate | false | true | false | false | 3/28/2023 | official |
5 | 562397562398572 | restaurant | historical site | 49.71671 | -113.41857 | 997 Gulseth Park | Fort McMurray | Canada | T9H 0B5 | 0.4 | 58 | moderate | false | false | false | false | 1/10/2023 | official |
6 | 928374982374928 | museum | natural attraction | -11.6876026 | 27.5026174 | 68 Eastwood Lane | Lubumbashi | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 1825 | 0.3 | 78 | high | true | false | false | false | 7/20/2022 | user |
7 | 398572398573289 | hotel | landmark | -8.2666267 | 115.054678 | 30133 Bluejay Center | Munduk | Indonesia | 81161 | 0.1 | 71 | high | true | false | true | true | 1/15/2023 | user |
8 | 562398572398572 | restaurant | landmark | 29.278608 | 108.098075 | 1917 Stoughton Road | Dongguan | China | 523590 | 0.8 | 51 | high | false | true | false | true | 3/2/2023 | official |
9 | 790103277522896 | park | landmark | 35.063892 | 101.818885 | 6556 Moulton Junction | Vigo | Spain | 36214 | 0.8 | 96 | high | true | true | false | false | 7/9/2022 | user |
10 | 894693320091709 | park | natural attraction | 37.8530229 | 126.7842319 | 54743 Oxford Pass | Munsan | South Korea | 10841 | 1.4 | 49 | moderate | true | false | true | true | 1/17/2023 | user |
Select college-bound, high school students, nearing high school graduation, college students, vocational-technical colleges, online education, or college degree.
Our education data is sourced from self-declared, online form submissions, contextual, email openers and web form submit and other direct response sources.
Our Education Data can help you access comprehensive insights about the American educational sector, areas for possible investments, regulations, policies and challenges in this sector, as well as key decision makers and a dataset of over 40,000 educational institutions.
With our Education Data, business owners and investors interested in American educational data, can arm themselves with comprehensive and up-to-date insights about this sector, to guide them through the decision-making process. Users will have access to a comprehensive database of key players in this sector.
Our educational institutions database with a list of over 40,000 verified schools from the United States of America, including their addresses and contact details will be invaluable for marketing and sales practitioners who seek to sell to this sector.
Researchers, non-profit organizations, and institutions interested in understanding the American educational sector beyond the rhetoric will also find our data to be of immense value.
S No. | first_name | last_name | age | gender | ethnicity | address | city | state | postal_code | gpa | major | Student ID | course_name | course_code | course_credits | course_grade | |
1 | Chevalier | Geibel | 25 | cgeibel0@yahoo.com | Male | White | 5331 Rexford Court | Montgomery | AL | 36116 | 3.03 | Mathematics | 44480 | History | HIST301 | 1 | A |
2 | Kelcy | Rosgen | 22 | krosgen1@gmail.com | Female | Black | 8642 Yule Street | Arvada | CO | 80007 | 2.16 | Mathematics | 43991 | Biology | BIOL401 | 1 | D |
3 | Judy | Pantin | 23 | jpantin2@outlookcom | Female | Asian | 1693 Alice Court | Annapolis | MD | 21401 | 3.51 | English | 44684 | English | ENGL201 | 2 | A |
4 | Aundrea | Banghe | 25 | abanghe3@skiff.com | Female | White | 915 Health Drive | Montgomery | AL | 36108 | 2.66 | History | 44479 | Biology | BIOL401 | 1 | B |
5 | Federica | Duns | 18 | fduns4@yahoo.com | Female | Hispanic | 19141 Pine Ridge Circle | Anchorage | AK | 99516 | 3.38 | Biology | 44698 | Mathematics | MATH101 | 4 | C |
6 | Gloria | Bolt | 19 | gbolt5@gmail.com | Female | Black | 4001 Anderson Road | Nashville | TN | 37217 | 2.2 | Biology | 44424 | History | HIST301 | 1 | B |
7 | Hedi | Dobbin | 18 | hdobbin6@skiff.com | Female | Black | 6095 Terry Lane | Golden | CO | 80403 | 2.5 | Biology | 44355 | Mathematics | MATH101 | 2 | A |
8 | Pyotr | Pirolini | 20 | ppirolini7@onmail.com | Male | Black | 4016 Doane Street | Fremont | CA | 94538 | 2.31 | History | 44680 | Mathematics | MATH101 | 3 | D |
9 | Patrizius | Baudts | 18 | pbaudts8@outlook.com | Male | Hispanic | 2325 Eastridge Circle | Moore | OK | 73160 | 1.87 | Mathematics | 44743 | History | HIST301 | 1 | F |
10 | Rivy | Semeradova | 19 | rsemeradova9@icloud.com | Female | Hispanic | 2436 Naples Ave | Panama City | Florida | 32405 | 2.36 | Mathematics | 43936 | History | HIST301 | 2 | B |
AcademicT is a global provider in location data, POI data, and corresponding compliance services. Our location data is gathered from a variety of mobile SDKs across the world, allowing you to perform location analytics and derive location-based intelligence.
We conduct stringent evaluations on supplier feeds to ensure authenticity and quality. Our proprietary algorithms detect, and cleanse corrupted and duplicated data points – allowing you to leverage our datasets rapidly with minimal data processing or cleaning.
Our location data is processed through a deduplicating algorithm that focuses on a combination of four important attributes: Device ID, Latitude, Longitude, and Timestamp. This algorithm scours our data and identifies rows that contain the same combination of these four attributes. Post-identification, it retains a single copy and eliminates duplicate values to ensure our customers only pay for complete and unique datasets.
We actively identify overlapping values at the supply level to determine the value each supplier offers. Our data science team has developed a sophisticated overlap analysis model that helps us maintain a high-quality data feed by qualifying suppliers based on unique data values rather than volumes alone – measures that provide significant benefits to our buyers.
Through our in-house data science team, we offer sophisticated technical documentation, location data algorithms, and queries that help data buyers get a head start on their analysis.
Our algorithm weeds out events that occurred seven days before the data is received (unless historical data is requested). By filtering these outdated events, we ensure that the data we deliver to our customers is recent and relevant. Reducing latency also decreases file sizes, which results in more efficient data delivery.
# | device_latitude | device_longitude | city | state | postal_code | country | address | street_number | street_name | street_suffix | timezone | airport_code | airport_name | airport_latitude | airport_longitude | airport_continent | airport_country_code | airport_region_code | airport_municipality | airport_elevation_feet | ip_address_v4 | ip_address_v6 | ip_address_v4_cidr | ip_address_v6_cidr |
1 | 45.8800176 | 15.8550922 | Jablanovec | Zagreb | 10290 | Croatia | 22 Del Sol Point | 6 | Canary | Terrace | Europe/Zagreb | EIS | Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport | 18.4448 | -64.543 | NA | VG | VG-U-A | Road Town | 15 | | de42:d84b:d351:f4c7:b9c6:76f7:1651:284a | | f14b:a68c:3065:109a:77da:1d45:d37d:340c/79 |
2 | 40.708873 | -74.0093553 | New York City | New York | 10045 | United States | 9 Grim Park | 7 | Kennedy | Hill | America/New_York | SID | Amilcar Cabral International Airport | 16.7346 | 22.944 | AF | CV | CV-B | Espargos | 177 | | 1081:20c9:5ce8:9098:13bb:344:c40f:fe40 | | 194c:8c5:c5d2:a479:c33d:7b20:841a:85a7/38 |
3 | 43.7441795 | 2.511999 | Marseille | Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur | 403101 | France | 012 Dixon Court | 905 | Farmco | Junction | Europe/Paris | UVO | Uvol Airport | -5.41667 | 151.833 | OC | PG | PG-EBR | Uvol | 15 | | 410f:7467:d4f9:3aa1:e9e1:fc30:ba2c:c891 | | db25:384a:be87:5f1f:5bc9:3ba5:9c18:4dee/75 |
4 | 38.8099385 | -104.7599648 | Colorado Springs | Colorado | 80935 | United States | 02 Barnett Junction | 9724 | Pankratz | Trail | America/Denver | CLV | Nelson Ribeiro Guimarães Airport | 19.097403 | 72.874245 | SA | BR | BR-GO | Caldas Novas | 2247 | | d57e:d36f:fabe:cd53:96dc:7e7:bdc3:c94 | | d135:342b:3121:48e1:7891:1190:d4a3:3a6f/25 |
5 | 30.978349 | 107.980213 | Shangfang | Suzhou | 524061 | China | 615 Jana Park | 1 | Waubesa | Center | Asia/Shanghai | DLC | Zhoushuizi Airport | 38.9656 | 121.5383 | AS | CN | CN-21 | Dalian | 107 | | a73:7e74:112:d30d:6f4:ec47:2699:95e5 | | fd5b:b3b:79f0:c220:d40:30fa:21cd:7690/14 |
6 | 34.61672 | 109.248057 | Sanzhang | Xuanzang | 796410 | China | 69405 Waxwing Center | 528 | Schurz | Center | Asia/Chongqing | NLE | Jerry Tyler Memorial Airport | 41.8365 | 86.2259 | NA | US | US-MI | Niles | 750 | | 190e:1563:85ad:c734:f0d1:9b66:4ebb:e02b | | 596c:61d5:5bc8:7fe5:15fd:f933:f1bc:40ce/54 |
7 | 55.7646 | 37.6911 | Lefortovo | Moscow | 105120 | Russia | 829 Fairfield Trail | 67 | Brickson Park | Road | Europe/Moscow | VLU | Velikiye Luki Airport | 56.3817 | 30.61 | EU | RU | RU-PSK | Velikiye Luki | 328 | | 15ca:b7d4:2bbd:7c24:68ac:dab5:b0bd:9c3f | | d152:15e6:594f:9197:d43e:2a6b:7663:e534/16 |
8 | 34.477861 | 110.084789 | Hushan | Mount Hua | 571325 | China | 92989 Brown Avenue | 830 | Dahle | Crossing | Asia/Shanghai | ULA | Capitan D Daniel Vazquez Airport | 26.4779 | 38.1169 | SA | AR | AR-Z | San Julian | 203 | | 392:9bdf:8835:d739:a844:2aa:229f:d05c | | c443:15b2:405a:7b2a:4113:130a:4f81:bada/45 |
9 | 56.2462038 | 14.6265298 | Olofstrom | Blekinge | 293 42 | Sweden | 91904 Evergreen Center | 724 | Continental | Place | Europe/Stockholm | MQY | Smyrna Airport | 36.0043 | 86.5259 | NA | US | US-TN | Smyrna | 543 | | f385:86bd:82f5:8634:c09a:84aa:41c8:9b6a | | ac86:f6af:e96:5baf:6948:79f4:1750:855c/19 |
10 | -26.9107052 | -48.6709133 | Itajai | Santa Catarina | 88301-205 | Brazil | 5 Elka Way | 25 | Debs | Parkway | America/Sao_Paulo | DRU | Drummond Airport | 46.6216 | -113.207 | NA | US | US-MT | Drummond | 4245 | | c82b:2aed:512b:c5e:9c7e:8b1c:31f6:f1d9 | | 3be0:acd2:5e43:1c64:39e4:b4ea:f548:a0b8/68 |
11 | 46.791046 | 4.840663 | Chalon-sur-Saone | Bourgogne | 21040 CEDEX | France | 1 Oxford Trail | 3 | Glendale | Alley | Europe/Paris | AFD | Port Alfred Airport | -33.5833 | 26.8833 | AF | ZA | ZA-EC | Port Alfred | 275 | | be99:734c:214d:d436:8264:e5e5:1b06:f324 | | 83b6:62d6:d8d7:44fc:cf61:6041:908b:f71b/127 |
Services we provide
Curriculum Design Consulting
We understand that a well-designed curriculum is essential for the success of any educational institution. At AcademicT, we design curriculums that not only align with your educational objectives but also meet the unique needs of your students. We are one step ahead.
Student Support Services
At AcademicT, we believe that every student deserves the opportunity to succeed. We offer a range of student support services that are designed to empower students to reach their full potential. We are trying to do best for the students
Technology Integration
In today’s digital age, technology has become an essential tool in education. At AcademicT, we help educational institutions integrate technology into their teaching practices, enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes. It is essential to take steps towards Tech.
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About us
Our Vision
Our vision at Academic Tech is to empower educational institutions worldwide to provide the best possible learning experience for their students. We believe that every institution is unique, and we strive to provide personalized support to help them achieve their goals. Through our innovative solutions and expert guidance, we aim to transform the educational landscape and promote lifelong learning. Our commitment to pedagogical best practices and education technology ensures that we are always at the forefront of the industry, providing institutions with the tools they need to succeed.

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